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Saint Spirit Page 30

but it had a great deal a mighty physicist. Taken the first two that it was found before for the hair and it threw them back making them fall. Three aggressors, stunned by the anger, you/they had not even acknowledged the arrival of Prometeo. Ivo, the good giant, ch'era hastened beside his/her head, he launched on the three them in earth, as they was children.

  "My God, a tragedy and you happens, incapable to manage your feelings, immediately use you to create another of it!it " shouted the head of the village.

  In the meantime other men had hastened to the succession of Prometeo.

  "Ivo, assembles some men and arrests these irresponsible crazy persons. It has never happened, from when they are to head of this village, that I have had to imprison someone. This world is my family but you, you were also my children, I could never forgive you. You have shown a wickedness and an ignorance indescribable."

  Someone of that group tried to give even more an explanation but Prometeo him inviperì.

  "Nothing I want to listen in this moment. We will have the opportunity to speak subsequently of it."

  Then it went to be sure on the conditions of the guest. Saint was a mask of blood and didn't even have the strength to get up. The pain for the suffered hits was shed on everything of its body. Dafne meanwhile you/he/she was thrown above by earth; it had an evident livid on the cheekbone, caused by the fist of the brute. Meeting hastened to Saint and together with Prometeo threw him/it on. This last held surer to bring the two guests to his/her house. There it was certain that nobody would have violated his/her door to discharge some insane vengeful gesture.

  To the entry of the residence the two wounded were welcomed by the wife of Prometeo, from his/her/their daughter Penelope and from his/her twin sister, Sabrina. This last impressed a lot him to veder Saint reduced in that state. You immediately offered to take care of her same the man, that was brought in her room and lain down in his/her bed. It was the first time that found again him so near to that strange what had him very stricken. It seemed that both were reciprocally read in the mind. Was unbelievable! Saint didn't have full conscience of itself and the find of side to her it stunned him/it extremely. Meanwhile Dafne was found in the principal room where Prometeo had asked her elucidations really the day before. The other sister he was dealing with her. The livid one under to the eye it was not worrisome, but the kick that had suffered had probably cracked her a rib, seen what time the beautiful dame labored to breathe and to stir. The condition of Saint was worse a great deal. Sabrina, when it removed from him the shirt, it had of forehead a body full of excoriations and swollen by the livid ones. While it was curing the face of Saint, it looked at his/her body half discovered, and remembering the fact ch'egli few days before had totally seen her naked, it warned a secret excitement. From a side it mortally felt him in guilt to try similar feelings when two dear people of the village had died you just burn, but of other song he made account that his/her mother, that meanwhile had gone to call the physician, you/he/she would have returned soon and that intimacy reached with the stranger would be enfeebled. For now they were alone and she would have been able to understand more something on the magnetism that inexorably attracted him to him. While Saint, having more years than her, he/she succeeded in checking better the sexual instincts, succeeding to more approfonditamentes to look at that attraction for her and discovering you a spiritual bond, her, instead, in the full impulsiveness of his/her seventeen years, you/he/she was overpowered by that attraction that it converted everything of his/her interest in a turned on physical desire for him. You/he/she was terrorized by that instinct that it dragged her/it for the hair toward the ineluctable hunger for Saint. It seemed her a gesture done by somebody else that had suddenly taken possession of his/her body, but its head bent him on that of him and grazed his lips with a kiss. Against his/her rational wish, its incipient voluptuousness pushed her/it to throw him on the jacket to reveal breasts and abdomen, that it softly leaned on his naked breast. That winding heat, that bossy emotion they were very intense to be broken her breath. The heart was a wall of sound that thundered in its brain. Meanwhile to Saint it seemed to be absorbed in a dream. It warned his/her aura mix to that of her in a harmonious concento. Even pain seemed sweet in that state.

  You was not pushed there never so much in with a man, but his desire left her/it dissatisfied. He/she wanted to have him/it more, the thirst for that body you/he/she had demolished every inhibition in her. It was crazy of desire, it didn't realize anymore where it was, of what situation had brought him her, of the risks to be amazed from its famigliaris. You threw down the calzamaglia, a leg unthreading only himself/herself/itself and, with delicacy, it put on astride on Saint. It felt on his/her pube his member that subitamente became animated in the pants despite its battered conditions. He put her both the hands on the gluteis, the vices the breasts making her/it groan. Then it was herself to free him the member from the pants. It started to rub against him. You had never made the love and the penis of Saint it seemed too much him a big thing to be able to welcome her/it. Him, with delicacy, it started to push. You were very wet that he immediately entered her inside. It sent forth a smothered cry. The pain for the penetration, mixed to an entrancing excitement, they almost made her lose the senses. Then she started to stir on Saint. The enjoyment for both was crimely incommensurable. There was no possibility to detach from that pleasure. After few minutes Saint exploded in her that, warning its orgasm, it reached the apex of the feminine one to like. A noise in the room of side made immediately to detach Sabrina from the man. You dressed again in hurry and fury and it went out of raced from the room. Fortunately Dafne and his/her sister were moved in the third room of the house, that of his/her/their parents. Finding the free stay, she took to the flight the door of exit, escaping in the wood.

  "What has it happened? My God, thing I have done?"

  Sabrina was prey to the panic. It felt his seed strain among his legs and it tried an unheard of shame of it. An animal uncontrollable desire had forced her to make an unthinkable thing in its life, straight in such a tragic moment for its village, with the risk to be open from its family!

  It stopped his/her run next to a big bush and it hid you. It crouched with the head among the legs. It still warned his odor on his/her body and the shivers of pleasure they returned to whisper her that exotic tastes. You/he/she had been very beautiful, you/he/she would never have imagined a scombussolamento of such course you/he/she could be tried. Was lost in that enjoyment, was the strongest thing that could be tasted in life! It was embraced with herself for endless minutes to relive that dream with the memory, then finally his/her took rationality the upper hand. You/he/she had to return back immediately, otherwise someone would have understood something. To justify his/her exit picked up some medical grass that it fortunately found on the road of the return. When it reached house, his/her mother and the physician you/they had just entered. His/her mother looked at her/it surprised.

  "And you that you killed us? Had to not you watch over on the wounded?"

  He/she was read her in face the disappointment for that daughter that always wanted to do of his/her head. Sabrina tried not to make to be surprised by the inquiring eyes of his/her/their mother and answered all of a breath.

  "I/you/they have gone out only an instant to take some medical grass as lenitive for the wounds. Don't seem me really in danger of life, it has only need of something that attenuates the pain."

  The physician intervened with cordial meekness in that family dispute.

  "My dear, has done very well! Six promoted to my personal nurse. You come to give me a hand with the medicines."

  Sabrina smiled expanse. If the extracted era!

  "To the orders, doctor!" ironizzò also her, almost happy to have her/it frank trail.

  The sense of guilt could also wait. Meanwhile in the other room Penelope, twin sister of Sabrina also aesthetically resembling blandly only her and really not at all under to the profile caratteriale, he was dealing with Dafne. You
/he/she had smeared her an anesthetizing ointment on the cracked rib and, with his/her generous calmness, it labored a lot to hold to the countess he/she minds. Dafne quivered, he/she wanted to get up from the bed and to race from Saint. After the weary insistences of this last, the poor Penelope helped her/it to throw above him from the bed to bring her/it from Saint. When they arrived on the door of the room, Dafne was stricken from an inexpressible jealousy when Sabrina discovered that, together with the physician, he took care of his/her companion. It entered furtively, hastily declaring and in impolite tone:

  "I will deal me with him, now!"

  The physician didn't lend listening to the words of the woman. It was intent to apply some points of suture on the eyebrow of Saint. Alone Sabrina he immediately turned verse of her but riabbassò the look. A sense of shame and fear it pervaded her/it. That was the companion of the man of whom she was unexpectedly fallen in love. It realized really at that time, when inclusive that Saint didn't belong her. Dafne he made space in bad way close to the physician to help to cure him/it Saint, she put on aside and with an endless sadness in the heart it went out of the room. In