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Saint Spirit Page 27

the tendency to neglect. All the living beings have a goal a destination toward which I/you/they are addressed. The plants and the animals have written since the birth in their Dna the direction toward which to push every motion of theirs. The instinct is strongly present them, giving him so a clear intuition of their assignment. The human beings by now they are detached by the instinct, pursuing the uncontrollable desire to evolve, to be other from what I am. This sacrosanta aspiration derives from the need that it has the spiritual part of the man to rejoin him to the divine one, from which it originates. Unfortunately this impetus, this internal earthquake that characterizes the human mind, is read in superficial way and distorted by the greatest part of the people, seen how a dissatisfaction and a lack and not as a natural inclination of his/her own Spirit. You/he/she is attributed him as it causes substantial a personal fault on the purely material plan, a possessive deficit to be filled the first possible. This enormous fraintendimento at the base of the modern man brings him/it to I didn't hand questions on the real consequences of its actions on himself and on the society of which it is integral part thing of which he too often forgets. A society in which the individuals are untied among them, without any real sense of affiliation, you/he/she can never offer a positive walk to cross. Does it speak so much of development, but is the development a to stretch out toward thing? Where, and above all who has decided where it needs to go? Our society a precise assignment, in line with the laws of the universe, it has him. In this place we reproduce icons of various entities that in the imaginary collective they belong only to the legends. You departs from the representations of the spirits elementali, each constituted by one of the four elements. I will quote a sample correct of it for every element: the salamanders are elementali of fire, the silfidis of air, water's nereidis, earth's driadis. Then we can also represent other legendary creatures, also them extremely important in the terrestrial bioritmo, as you do, elves, elves, dragons, nymphs. the representations are created in sculptural form with material of different type or you represent on pictures, engraved on skin or wood. This job for the common people is apparently something that can contribute only to an aesthetical enrichment of a house, of a place, while in reality it hides a potential and a strength essential for the safeguard of his/her/their mother Earth. These entities are tightly correlated to the world, theirs respective golden riequilibrano and rivitalizzano the immense terrestrial globe, that otherwise he would extinguish shortly time. These beings, to them it turns, they feed him of the energy of the thoughts that the human ones turn to them. All the icons that we produce and that then they turn for the world, they serve to coglier the attention and to gain the thoughts of the turned men to those figures, that you/they then will directly go to feed what they represent. It take few, enough a look, also superficial, a to observe incuriositi that so fanciful strange bodies of fairy yet so much sensual, to unconsciously infuse the necessary energy to that beings to sustain them."

  Saint and Dafne listened careful those extraordinary revelations, and all of a sudden she freed him of a curiosity that he/she bothered him.

  "Therefore all the images of the saints, of Jesus and of the Buddha.

  Prometeo immediately interrupted her/it.

  "No, you don't confuse you. I am tightly talking of correlated entity to the Earth. They live as the men on the planet, but on different dimensional vibrations, therefore as a rule for us human they are invisible, but their energy can be well intuibile for the extremely sensitive people. You are reporting yourself instead to celestial entity, that don't belong that is to the Earth. You/they can come into contact with it, to influence her/it, but they are extraterrestrial beings however, to put aside from the fact that even in past has lived on this planet. What has explained you in very simple and synthetic way it is the last goal of our village even if, you can imagine him/it yourselves, the things that rotate around it they are so as that won't be here to tell you her all for line and for sign. Now I leave you to our good giant, Ivo. Good visit."

  The giant in matter was tall at least two meters and winds. It had the body of a fighter and on the top an imposing head, crowned by a flowing head of hair of long blonde hair that you/they arrived under until to his shoulder blades. The face was square and imperious. While Saint put on beside Ivo to start the visit of the place, Dafne, back of few footsteps, it observed them for then to burst to laugh.

  "Now touches me to also turn with two beatniks, one was not enough of it!"

  Seen from behind the figures of the two men they appeared a great deal curious. The corvine hair of Saint was longer and full of those of Ivo but its tonnage, usually tall and slender, beside to the giant it was comparable to that of a little boy. Saint smiled at the beautiful Dafne.

  "I beg countess, you also come between us. Finally, after your thousand mishaps, find again you to have two daring watches of the body to look you at the shoulders!"

  While they were crossing the characteristics streets of that surreal place, Ivo it told with a lot of enthusiasm to the two guests all the intrinsic histories related to the characters of Boscocittà, their job, their respective family bonds, the nicknames that they had been given following some unusual event; it definitely opened in short the doors of that original city to the two foreigners. With the enthusiasm of a child it pointed out a group of men that returned from the hills before.

  "You see after all there that group? You/they are returning with the necessary first subjects to the creation of the icons. In that enormous sacks that bring in shoulder there are wood, clay, chalk, jars of resin and other materials of every sort."

  Then it passed of sudden to describe their residences.

  "On the trees are built for being surer, connected among them from wood bridges of way that can be gone from a house to the other without need to go down from the trees, even if the whole our day we spend out her house to hurry the thousand matters that compete us. In that angle down there, that little boys are following the lesson of the most elderly teacher of the village. Many of us alternate for going to instruct the boys respect something of which he is more edottis. There are no real subjects. Every inspired adult gathers him with the boys to put to them service all of his/her baggage of experiences and knowledges without minding to divide the to know for subjects. A pearl of wisdom is universal, it transcends every futile rational division. In this place a lot of weight is given to the intuition that springs from an accurate introspection that each of us it does with himself. In this way the relationships that weave him with the other ones purchase very more value and they are never superficial and useless."


  While Ivo described that fantastic world that was his/her city, they reached an angle of the wood where it did a great deal him more rent. The trees that characterized that point were all pines, a great deal more lower part than the redwoods but very more neighbors the one to the other. It just arrived near those leafy branches, instinctively Ivo lowered of volume his/her serious baritone voice.

  "We witness the place where you/he/she is taken place the last passage of our jewel job. Behind these bushes there are those that we call the creating ones, that use him for the first subjects that we pick up to be turned into figures of elementali."

  This way saying Ivo him made space among the rent of the branches, dense of needles and pine-cones. Saint and Dafne imitated the gestures of the giant also penetrating them in the thick vegetation. Few instants and they totally found again him in an invisible circular clearing from the outside, with a skylight that opened aloft among the leafy branches on the sky. Who in earth, who sat on a stool, who with the elbows leaned on enormous wood tavolacci ingot and who straight frantically walking, they formed a group of about twenty people intente to carve and to mould forms of beings from wood blocks, of chalk, of clay and of other typologies of materials. The busy people in these jobs, men and women, had a whole inclusive age between the quarantacinques and him over seventy years. Ivo cautiously advanced between the figurines and the creati
ng ones and meanwhile it revealed with pride to the two guests names of elementali and artisans.

  "And instead this is Sabrina, the mascot of the group, but surely not less smart. You/he/she had reached since such young girl a manual skill that is not been able to make to less less than assign her/it to the group of the creating ones. The inhabitants usually enter to make part of this group once reached an enough mature age. Know, it take a lot of appointment and so much practice before creating similar works of art!"

  Saying this, it threw above from earth a tall figurine a span, representing an enchanting nymph of the watertight intentas to observe something in front of her. The eyes were great, wide open, the eyebrows slightly arched to underline the amazement for what he/she saw. The hands leaned on a stone, the astute braccias to sustain the weight of the whole body. The round breasts had put even more in evidence from the posture of the breast and the head that you/they stuck out him in before as to scrutar better what incuriosiva its eyes. The legs were perpendicular to the braccias, slightly flexed, suspended in air. It was evident that the many colored wings of