Saint Spirit Page 24
food and really sure wealth de the soul; because worthier quant'รจ the soul that 'l body, so much worthier fien the wealths of the soul that of the body. And often, when I see some of these seize it it operates in hand, I doubt not him as the monkey mettino to the nose or that I/you/he/she ask if it is what mangiativa. From these proud persons, cruel and dispietati monstri, you are far at least one hundred leagues of it. Not disperar if today he is a smoky enigma that darkens the acumen of your look but adoprati with wisdom so that tomorrow's ciel is clear of from the nembis edaci and from the fumida inequity. The or of the leave has come. The blind dispensator de'casi seals the alternative that will separate our presences, but the mole will come soon secret meeting that will propose us one in front of the other in munificent concento. The only my admonition is not to mind the alternative, because, even though in different times, but this run will appear for as in reality it is, that is an inverse trivio. Accheta the atro ansito that presses you the cor, and null'altro can do if not affrontar the existential inspiration with genuine hope, since the reason only in womb de' celestial is placed!"
Saint opened its mind to that wise man.
"Yours is unusual to say for the human people, teacher, but for me it is a holy hand that scerpa the invain mean of so many abbiettis beings with which I/you/they am forced to share the same planet. Discoprite another noble part of me, that is done of tenacities wish and merciful aspiration to the absolute one. I confide in a sincere good-bye!"
The teacher smiled while you/he/she was starting to start him toward the red hot horizon from the solar disk by now tall in the sky. When it was to hundred meters of Saint distance, his/her figure him confused with the dazzling twinkling of the dense rays solariums. In last appeal, Saint succeeded to coglier with its look the wise man that widened the braccias as to simulate a symbolic embrace in its respects, then he/she didn't see anything. The teacher had disappeared.
He by now experienced occultist remained interdicted quite a lot instants, then been decided and moved the first footsteps toward the new room that the unknown one already had in Serb for him. The beloved Dafne softly woke up, he/she explained her come ch'era the moment to divide to the search of a solution to theirs to wander. When her alluded to the hermit that had entertained them, he told her that the discourse of her of the first evening had convinced him/it to continue the alone trip in two, avoiding to go behind a character that belonged in toto to that frightening world. When the sun was by now perpendicular on their heads, the two lovers were already on the shallop that had brought them in that place. You/they had made a small escort of coconut and fruits you launch found in the wood. Saint wanted to verify if its supposition that that territory was a small island it was exact. Circumnavigating her/it, remaining always enough next to the coast, you/he/she would have been able to ascertain the real conformation of that place hoping even to find an anything that would have made them edotti on their future. After a whole day of navigation around the firm earth, Saint and Dafne they started to take conscience that the apparent small uninhabited island was a great deal in vast reality than they were waited. It was by now late evening when they decided to moor near a cave dug by the sea on the side of an imposing wall of stone. The coast in that zone was totally different from that in which you/they had left the elderly wise man. This last was characterized by an impervious landscape constituted by deprived sharp rocks of vegetation that covered her. Once assured the shallop, tying her/it to a rock, the two by now vagabond they decided to inspect the surrounding area. They were forced to cross a line to swimming before reaching a point of the coast where, climbing himself/herself/itself among the rocks, they succeeded in overcoming the wall of stone. Beyond those rocks a myriad of hills extended him to loss of eye, with some sprinkled of exiles bushes here and there. Meanwhile the dark blanket of the night had taken the upper hand on the surrounding landscape, the contours of the things they appeared left and threatening. To venture over, in that dark scenery, you/he/she would rather have been hazardous, even though Saint was intimidated of it and at the same extremely spellbound time. They looked for then a set apart place whether to be able to be sheltered for the night, the morning later you/they would have continued their inspection. They chose only as place of rest a small attainable cave some meter climbing himself/herself/itself on a rough rock, of way that you/they would have been some more to the sure one if you/they had wandered in the place dangerous animals or, worse, human beings with bad intentions.
The father of Sabrina would certainly have punished her for the nth time, but you/he/she was stronger than her. It loved to wander for those earths during the night, rubar with his/her ceruleis eyes the fantastic and magic forms that the nighttime world around it gave her. For her it was his/her maximum source of inspiration, that allowed her to create with his/her pale hands the statues of that unusual beings, the elementalis, even if, in truth, it put also us a lot of his/her imagination. The thick father reproached her/it: "Detach too much yourself from the tradition, this could turn into a weapon to double I cut for our people, remember him/it!". You pretended him sorry, but then it continued fearless with his/her original style and to the until end the whole community forgave her those licenses of artist, considering that really of art he treated. Sabrina unlike the others creating, that limited him to propose the same identical canons, had an amazing creative ability, from his/her hands you/they could be born forms of beings ever seen and even imagined not before then. Even more The unbelievable thing was that those icons were very harmonious and you detail in their details to really seem existing.
Sabrina was seventeen years old, it possessed a perfect body of fairy, it was tall and slender, with a thick head of hair of smooth hair coppered that they framed the delicious oval of his/her face; the eyes were well outdistanced among them, of that particular ethereal blue that only the skies in summer of the northern regions posseggono, the rosy lips were not prorompenti, but in remuneration they transmitted such a sensuality immediately to be attracted the attention. To complete the work of his/her face, tall cheekbones were used just sprinkled of a rose turned on that it detached under on the milky complexion of the young girl and two arched eyebrows some more ax than its hair to such a white forehead to seem transparent.
It finally reached his/her personnel angle of heaven away from the community. It loved the unusual loneliness and the sense of abandonment that it inspired her that small pond decorated of ninfee, to the feet of that rough bare mountain, in contrast with the rest of the landscape around the mirror of water, that a sort of screen had created made of greens saplings and bushes you launch. There, to his/her opinion, the birds sang more softly, the grass and the leaves possessed a softness out of the commune, as if everything were under to a spell, as if in that place the soprasensibile took immanent his/her own form. Junta near its usual bush, immediately freed him some sandals, it untied the belt, it removed from him the calzamaglia and the green jacket dark, and totally naked it directed him toward the pond. It already started to dawn, a breeze that immediately swelled her the nipples exhaled. The goose bumps the surprises trembling, but he/she knew that water was warm and you/he/she would have welcomed her heating her limbs. The would be enjoyed to rise some sun before returning him of it to house there. You dipped staying immovable to make to be caressed some beatific water.
When the heat of the sun by now tall you/he/she had heated her to sufficiency, Sabrina as the divine Venus, resurfaced by the water in his graced nudity. It had firm breasts, small but stupendously turned, with the turned nipples upward, a completely flat abdomen forced the look to precipice cader on the bending of the pube where a lock of reddish hair represented the only brushstroke of color on that pure, white skin. The thighs were thin, but evident the polishings of the athletic muscles gotten used to a constant motion. Few footsteps in direction of his/her bush, then to the sudden one it was petrified. Just in front of her you/he/she had sat you Saint that, surprised by the swift appearance of that young girl
by the nothing, it didn't persuade him if same still dreaming or if you/he/she already woke up. They settled one in front of the other for a few minutes. You didn't mention to cover his/her nudities with some gesture. To the eyes of Saint it seemed that she felt him to his/her ease and you/he/she could not be otherwise, considering that it had an elegant body that squirted all of his/her flourishing youth from every pore. Also without touching, a sort of interaction happened between his body and that of her. He felt a preponderant magnetism that attracted him/it raging toward that young girl. You/he/she could confuse her/it very well with the natural excitement of his/her instinct of male towards the beautiful free female from the dresses, almost to him offered by that magic mirror of water. But if him auto checked, holding to brake that sexual impetus, platealmente it emerged from its conscience a bond that transcended the vanities of the sensitive voluptuousness. There was a deep root, invisible to the common eyes deadly, but immense and powerful to his/her eyes of occultist, that it