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shrewdness; a good girl of country would have been able to easily tell to have been seduced without making I count and to be on him gimmick that molester. But as you/he/she would have been able to explain what had happened in that room? Free and individual eroticism, each has thought for itself and each you/he/she has done what it really felt like doing. Giuliano, in past, you/he/she had known too many friends that were found again inserted by these so-called ones "good girls" and him by now it had his/her personal method to have relationships "sure", that didn't implicate him future boredom. With the girls of malaffare, you/he/she could freely enjoy instead the whole female world, without risking future repercussions apart some crab louse and some annoying infection of the genital apparatus.

  That same evening Katrine returned home dragging with itself a heavy feeling of discouragement ever tried before. It was the bother and the sadness to have realized that its angle of heaven could easily be mined by the external world, or perhaps, if well it reflected, the most undesirable feeling had been the fact that the friend he was dispersed by the situation without not even returning to greet her/it.

  "Oh my God, is jealous of him!it " exclaimed to tall voice and in the same moment in which it pronounced that sentence it acknowledged what you/he/she was admitting to herself.

  What horrendous situation he was delineating. Even if Jasmine had never confided him/it to you, it broadly had already intuition that his/her friend had a weak for Giuliano. For the first time they were found in competition among them, and you/they could not count on their complicity.

  The evening later, on the terrace, halfhearted and sulkier, the four usual ballet dancer found again him. They attached to make to play a disk, but nobody departed to dance. The footstep was empty their immovable languages. Their eyes limited him to fix the respective shoes, almost invoking to decide them to her to move the first footstep, considering that the feet to the inside were inhibited, so much to be seemed of ice. To break the shady starvation of that breaker, was really the individual that had caused the beginning of it. Giuliano climbed the stairway in point of feet with the head and the eyes covered by a more relaxed old straw hat, the hands in pocket and the shoulders slightly bent. The exact opposite posture of the day before, in which was introduced bold to upset the quiet of the company.

  "Hi to everybody, I/you/they have first of all come again from you to excuse me of my impertinence of yesterday. I wanted only to socialize, but unfortunately I am not very good in to compare me with the others. Then to you, Francois, wanted to give this knife. It is a way to excuse me for my arrogance. You it is true you have attached me, but this is your house, and I have unjustly violated one space of yours deprived without asking you the permission. The neighbor turns, if a braggart meets, show him/it to him, and will see that will save yourself a beautiful po' of boredom! I leave you to your things."

  It turned the heels and it did for setting out. Francois, with his/her new knife in hand, an instant hesitated, then takings courage.

  "Approved excuses, Giuliano. If you want to stay here with us, I swear that I will try not to chase you. And then, if some problem rose, I now have my knife, and I immediately would put the things to place!dark Francois " told face, for then to burst to laugh.

  "Am joking, eh!"

  Giuliano took to laugh with him.

  "Ah, thought less badly than being chases me from the frying pan to the fire. I thank you for the invitation, but we would be odd and I don't want to change the equilibriums of the couples."

  Jasmine, that had not dared lift the earth eyes for the whole time, considering with embarrassment to the folly of the day before, it whispered as soon as his/her position to respect.

  "For me you should stay. Six guest of ours, cannot stay only."

  Did Paul give his/her tacit consent nodding with the head and Katrine? Katrine was by now abducted from his/her invaghimento for that young, mysterious citizen, that faked not to pay her attention but that, for some instants, it launched her red hot looks that were dispersed then sudden ritrasformando that eyes in empty sad opals that left her/it spaesata. She had perfectly realized what Giuliano it tried to disguise with all of his/her strengths. It had a weak for her but every time that it tried to bring forth a some approach him it felt stupid, awkward how come in his/her life.

  "If really you insist, I will be here then sits to look at to dance you of it."

  That evening, however, the eyes of Giuliano captured only the colors emitted by the harmonic features of Katrine. By now in his/her cuor you/he/she had already chosen verse what young girl to hock his/her own thoughts, and thanks to the experience lived with Jasmine, now even his/her mind it had more doubts. Katrine realized since immediately to have that fixed voracious eyes on her and reciprocated the fixity of that look with fleeing, but deep glances, that were dipped warm in the brown lake of the eyes of Giuliano and they moved him the soul. Deluded Jasmine him to have seen badly and that in truth Giuliano looked at her, but it was afraid to accent platealmente that his/her to do and to risk to make suspicious his/her brothers.

  Closed the dances, Katrine set out homeward, wound by an euphoria and by an uncontrollable desire.

  "He looked me fixed. I would do everything that that asks me, and I don't even know him/it!" he repeated Katrine to tall voice, unaware that his/her lover had followed her for the stradina of country that she had taken.

  Suddenly the it protected ahead him sprouting from behind an oak.

  "Everything that that I want? Have just admitted him!Giuliano " began.

  The young girl made back a leap to the for the fear and awkwardly fell in earth. Giuliano threw her/it on and holding her/it among the braccias he went to hide among the soft grass, to the shelter from the road, and it abandoned him on the green mantle. Katrine had in front of her the beautiful figure of Giuliano that hacked him imposing in that set apart angle of calm country and her it was to his/her feet, inactive and enjoying to be nanny of that man.

  Giuliano stripped him completely in front of her, it drew near her, it unthread her the heavy tunic that covered her/it and it started to kiss her neck, the breasts, the abdomen, the inside of the thighs, for then to go up again and to still plough with lips and language the candid beaches, profaned already by his/her raging passion. You touched him/it, also not knowing at all as it did him with a man, and it died to like to have among the hands a masculine member. Then him the divaricòs the legs and it entered her, before softly, then always pushing stronger, and sinking in her more and more. Katrine goes crazy of passion, it howled, it him/it, it incited him/it to take her/it with more strength.

  "I am yours now, can do what want of it of me!" went repeating him to the ear, while it was bite him/it and it licked him/it.

  Finally he didn't withstand anymore and it came totally emptying himself/herself/itself in her. They were extended there, immovable, one above the other for an endless mezz'ora of paradisiacal fainting. Then both got back home, senseless and happy as not never. The day later, the first fear of Katrine was the feeling to inexorably have hurt the feelings of its intimate friend. Even if Jasmine had never confessed her some interest for Giuliano, she had noticed the deep attraction that suffered his/her friend for that mysterious youth. It didn't suspect, however, what was happened among the two, therefore it didn't warn some sense of guilt. You/he/she had been Giuliano to decide and you/he/she had chosen her. The day passed in black and white and even the magic moment of the dance didn't get some effect in the mind of Katrine. Everything of his/her being was projected on the road of the return to house, when Giuliano would have possessed under still her to the leafy branches of the oaks. His/her mysterious rider would again have pursued her, of this was certain.

  This ch'ella hoped, it not only happened that day, but also in all the others to come. By now the meetings among the two lovers they were fixed and more and more passionate. Jasmine immediately acknowledged the history among the two, and only after long days of silence he/she confessed to the friend to have unders
tood all and to have been seduced in turn by that sinister character ch'era Giuliano. Initially Katrine stayed upset by the news, but the passion was very strong and Giuliano knew how to be so convincing in to make to be forgiven, that that momentary shade on their relationship immediately disappeared without leaving trace.


  The autumn and Giuliano it came, that would have had to leave Cheverny at the end of the summer, it postponed his/her departure. The raging attraction that had unexpectedly invested him/it, inexorably chained him/it to the feet of that young dame of country. Him however you/he/she would not have been able to stay forever in that remote angle of world, and opposite, scapestrato and penniless as it was, you/he/she could not even afford to marry Katrine and to bring him her street to Paris. His/her father would have come soon to pick him/it with the strength to bring him/it to the college and him up, you/he/she didn't have anymore by now any intention to return there.

  The discovery of the pregnancy of Katrine was to decide the fates of the unprovided couple. Lowered in the new matter that had come to delineate, Giuliano strongly felt the need to be with her, soaked to the new sense of the duty risen towards that future child. The young girl would